1. First question text
Find: \s{2,}
Replace: ,

I used \s{2,} to capture more than 2 spaces in the original text and replaced those spaces with a , the result converted text with several random spaces between words and numbers to words separated only by commas: i.e. First String,Second,1.22,3.4

  1. Second Question
Find: (\w*), (\w*), (.+)
Replace: \2 \1 (\3)

I used (\w*), (\w*), (.+) to capture each word individually without their commas. \w*) was the first word (\1), the following regular expression was (\2) and the final regular expression (.+) was (\3). The result was a separation of each person’s first name, last name, and university. I set the replace to re-order the words and put the university in parenthesis: i.e. Sydne Record (Bryn Mawr)

  1. Third Question
Find: (.mp3)(\s)
Replace: \1\n

I used (.mp3)(\s) to capture the space after .mp3. To keep .mp3 but replace the space between file names with a tab, I replaced the (\s) with a tab (\n) and kept .mp3 using (\1).

  1. Fourth Question
Find: (\d{4})(\s)(.*)(\.)(mp3)
Replace: \3_\1\4\5

I captured the first four numbers using (\d{4}), the space between number and file name using (\s), the file names using (.*) and the period and mp3 using (\.)(mp3). I reordered the regular expressions in the replace box to get the final outcome.

  1. Fifth Question
Find: (\w)\w+,(\w+),(.*),(\d+)
Replace: \1_\2,\4

I captured the first letter of the first word using (\w) and left the rest of that word out of a parenthesis so it was deleted during the replace phase. I put all of the second word in parenthesis using (\w+) to preserve it. I used separate regular expressions for the first and second numbers to ensure I could choose onlu the last number in my final text.

  1. Sixth Question
Find: (\w)\w+,(\w{4})(\w*),(.*),(\d+)
Replace: \1_\2,\5

Using the previous question, I used the same regular expression with two exceptions. to ensure i only got the first 4 characters of the second word, I put {4} in brackets. I did not include the rest of the word in the replace phase so it was left out of the final text.

  1. Seventh Question
Find: (\w{3})\w+,(\w{3})\w*,(.*),(\d+)
Replace: \1\2, \4, \3

To get the first 3 letters of each word, I specified that using {3} and \w+ or \w* to capture the rest of the word but leave it out in the replace. the (.*) captured the first number values and (\d+) to capture the second number values. I rearranged these in the replace box to get the expected outcome.