Organizing Code with Structured Programming

Explaination of Program

  • The first function I created was a get_data function. My research is based on a presence/absence study of Humpback Whales and Boats. I created a function with two vectors comprised of two numbers each, representing presence and absence of each variable. These vectors were used to create a data matrix. The two vectors were defined in the global variable portion of the code and can be changed easily.
  • The output from get_data was used to obtain a chi-squared analysis of the data matrix and a mosaic plot of the data matrix. Both functions input was the data matrix, but the data matrix used for these functions could easily be redefined because I set them both to x=NULL. In my program body, I set x equal to the name I gave get_data, pa_data. This allows me for flexibility in the data matrix I want to analyze.
# FUNCTION: get_data
# purpose: put data into a data frame 
# input: 2 vectors of 2 numbers 
# output: data frame 
# -------------------------------------------
get_data <- function(vec0=c(50,15),vec1=c(100,85)) {
  dataMatrix <- rbind(vec0,vec1)
rownames(dataMatrix) <- c("WhaleAbsence", "WhalePresence")
colnames(dataMatrix) <- c("BoatAbsence", "BoatPresence")
# FUNCTION: summarize_data
# purpose: analyze the data matrix 
# input: data matrix 
# output: chi-squared summary
# -------------------------------------------
summarize_data <- function(x=NULL) {
# FUNCTION: graph_results
# purpose: create a mosaic plot of presence/absence data 
# input: data frame
# output: mosaic plot 
# -------------------------------------------
graph_results <- function(x=NULL) {

# Global Variable 
# ----------------------------------------------
boat <- c(950,50)
whale <- c(900,85)
# ----------------------------------------------

# Program Body 
# ----------------------------------------------
pa_data <- get_data(vec0=boat, vec1=whale)
pa_chisqr <- summarize_data(x=pa_data)

##  Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
## data:  x
## X-squared = 9.748, df = 1, p-value = 0.001795
# ----------------------------------------------